
Accueil Education Image captioning

Image captioning

The item Image captioning allows you to caption an image via two ways : you can either train your students to place labels on predefined areas of an image, or allow them to fill in blank labels using their keyboards.

Open your module

  Click on My Resources in the homepage menu.

 Find your module or course and open it.

 Click Edit.

Building the Item

 Click + Add new Item> Image captioning.

 Choose a title.

 Fill in the instruction.

 Click Set Background Image to load an image from your computer.

 Click Choose an image to insert.

Then you can add labels, fill in their content and place them on your image.

 There are 2 different types of display:

Drag and drop display randomly mixes labels for your students to place, they appear on the left of the screen. Then the student has to fill the empty slots on the image with the mixed labels in order to complete it.

Keyboard Input display which resembles to the Drag and drop display except for the fact that the student has to complete the empty slots using the keyboard without the use of any labels.

 Click OK.

Do not forget to save your module after adding this item!